How To Cook A Pork Loin In a Crock Pot?

Convenience is paramount when creating delicious meals for your family in today’s fast-paced society. A delectable pork loin slow-cooked to perfection in a crock pot never fails to impress. This method of gradual cooking ensures that the meat retains its tenderness and juiciness while absorbing all of your desired seasonings. This article will demonstrate how to prepare a delectable pork loin in a Crock Pot.

Super Simple Boneless Pork Loin In The Crockpot Recipe

This incredibly uncomplicated boneless pork loin recipe is cooked slowly and turns out juicy, tender, and delicious every time. Serve this lean meat with roasted vegetables for a delectable meal the whole family will enjoy, including the children.


  • Prep Time 15 Minutes
  • Cook Time 6 Hours
  • Total Time 6 Hours 15 Minutes


  • 3-4 Pounds Boneless Pork Loin
  • 1 Large Onion I Prefer Sweet Onion or Vidalia
  • 2 Tablespoons Olive Oil
  • 1 Teaspoon Granulated Garlic
  • 1 Teaspoon Onion Powder
  • 1 Teaspoon Black Pepper
  • 1 Teaspoon Salt
  • ½ Teaspoon Paprika
  • 2 Cups Broth I Prefer Chicken Broth but Any Broth Works.
  • Cooking Spray


  • Spray your slow cooker’s bottom and sides with cooking spray. Slice your onion into small circles.
  • Place the pork loin over the shallots, fat side up.
  • Olive oil should be drizzled over the pork fillet.
  • Garlic, onion powder, black pepper, salt, and paprika are seasoned on pork loin. A quick rub will ensure that the seasonings are evenly distributed.
  • Add two cups of broth to the crock pot’s base.
  • Close the slow cooker and simmer the pork loin on low for six hours or high for four. A meat thermometer should show that your meat is 145 degrees on the inside.

Tips And Tricks For Perfection

  • Experiment with a variety of seasonings to develop distinctive flavor profiles.
  • If you’re in a hurry, you can cook the pork loin on high heat for 4-6 hours, but gradual cooking is recommended.
  • Resting is essential for producing succulent results.

How To Store Leftover?

Here are some ways to store leftovers:

  • Cool It Down Quickly: Rapidly chill the pork loin to room temperature after serving. Do not leave it at room temperature for longer than two hours to prevent bacterial proliferation.
  • Portion the Leftovers: Consider dividing it into smaller portions if you have a large pork loin remaining. This makes it simpler to reheat only necessary, reducing food waste.
  • Refrigerate promptly: place the leftover pork loin in an airtight container or wrap it firmly with plastic wrap or aluminum foil. Make sure the container is airtight to prevent meat from drying out.
  • Date and label: always label the container with the date the pork loin was prepared. This allows you to monitor the product’s freshness.
  • Store in the Refrigerator: Place the container in the refrigerator below 40 degrees Fahrenheit (4 degrees Celsius). It is best to store it on a shelf rather than at the entrance, as the door’s temperature tends to fluctuate.
  • Consume Within 3-4 Days: Pork belly should be eaten within three to four days. It can be stored safely in the fridge for three to four days. After this period, the quality and safety of the product may deteriorate.
  • Reheat Safely: Utilize a microwave or oven to reheat food safely. Ensure the internal temperature of the reheated pork loin reaches 165 degrees Fahrenheit (74 degrees Celsius) to eradicate any bacteria.
  • Freezing (Optional): If you do not intend to consume the leftovers within a few days, you may freeze them for extended storage. Put the pork chops in a container that won’t let air in or in heavy-duty freezer bags that can go in the freezer. For optimal quality, date and consume within 2 to 6 months.
  • Defrosting Frozen Leftovers: To slowly defrost frozen pork loin, remove it from the freezer and place it in the refrigerator. Don’t let things thaw at room temperature because it can help bugs grow.
  • Reheat from Frozen: If you need to cook frozen leftovers, you can do so in an oven set to a lower temperature as long as the food gets to 165°F (74 degrees Celsius) on the inside. This may take longer than reheating freshly prepared leftovers.

Health Benefits

Here are some health benefits of eating Pork Loin:

  1. Lean Protein: Low in saturated fats, pork loin is a lean cut of flesh. Lean protein is indispensable for muscle growth, tissue repair, and general health.
  2. Vitamins and minerals: Pork belly is a great source of minerals and vitamins, including b vitamins like niacin, thiamin, and vitamin b12, as well as minerals like phosphorus, selenium, and zinc. These nutrients are essential for numerous physiological processes, including metabolism and immune system support.
  3. Low Sodium Option: When you prepare pork loin at home, you can regulate the salt and sodium content. Use less salt or choose low-sodium spices to reduce sodium intake.
  4. Slow Cooking Preserves Nutrients: Gradual cooking preserves nutrients: gradual cooking in a slow cooker helps maintain the ingredients’ nutritional value. This method permits blending flavors without excessive heat, thereby preserving the food’s vitamins and minerals.
  5. Balanced Meal: Pork loin can be paired with vegetables and other side dishes to create a well-rounded entrée. Vegetables contribute to a balanced and wholesome diet by providing fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants.
  6. Control Over Ingredients: You have control over the ingredients and seasonings when you cook at home. You can choose fresh, high-quality ingredients and avoid the additives and preservatives typically present in processed foods.
  7. Portion control: preparing pork loin at home allows you to manage your calorie intake and maintain a healthy weight by allowing you to control the size of your servings.
  8. Customization: the seasonings and ingredients can be altered to accommodate dietary preferences and restrictions. This adaptability ensures you can experience a flavorful meal while meeting your health objectives.
  9. Reduced risk of foodborne illness: cooking pork to the recommended internal temperature (145°f or 63°c) eliminates harmful microorganisms, reducing the risk of foodborne illnesses.

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